What is your provisional diagnosis for this case?
Diagnosis : Precardial effusion as a complication for nephrotic syndrome
Diagnosis : Precardial effusion as a complication for nephrotic syndrome
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nefrotic syndrome+cardiac faiure
nephrotic syndrome
Right sided Heart failure and Nephrotic syndrome
right sided heart failure.
Nephrotic syndrome and heart failure.
Nephrotic Syndrome with Rt Sided Heart failure
Nephrotic syndrome and heart failure
Nephrotic syndrome, Heart failure
rt. side heart failure with nephrotic syndrome
R Heart failure
Right side heart failure
nephrotic syndrme
kussmauls sign.
Constrictiv pericarditis
pericardial effusion
nephrotic syndrome, symptoms would be JVD due to hypervolemia secondary to protein loss which decreased his colloid oncotic pressure and also precipitated him to acquire edema, protiein was lost due to damaged glomerolus and caused it to hyperfiltrate leading to less reabsorption of protein, protein went down together with the metabolic wastes and was excreted via micturition
pericardial effusion might also be present due to the congestion of particles in the blood vessels.
right side heart failure
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